Friday, May 23, 2008 @ 5:16 PM

Chapter 18
“Don’t miss me too much okay?” Wilson whispered beside Joyce’s ear. “I should be the one saying that.” She whispered back and giggled. “I really can’t bear to be apart from you for so long. Three whole days!” Wilson groaned. “Well…If you think about our future, maybe you’ll enjoy these three days a lot more. We’re gonna spend the whole of our life together after we get married. You should treasure your days as a bachelor.” Joyce wagged her index finger in Wilson’s face. “Joyce!” Isabel shouted from afar. “Joyce!” Joyce swirled around to find Jun Wei and Isabel walking towards her. “Isabel? Jun Wei? What are you guys…” Her sentence broke off when she saw their luggage. “You guys are also returning to Singapore today?!”

“Don’t tell me… You’re also catching the plane back to Singapore?” Isabel exclaimed. “Fate. This is definitely fate eh? The few of us just keep meeting each other at unexpected places.” Wilson grinned. “You guys are going to Singapore for a holiday?” Isabel questioned when she saw their luggage. “We’re getting married soon.” Wilson held Joyce’s hand and showed off their rings. “Oh my gosh!” Isabel’s hands flew up to cover her mouth. “Really?” Joyce nodded shyly. “Congratulations!” Isabel threw her arms around Joyce. “Congrats.” Jun Wei held out his right hand. “Thanks.” Wilson took his hand and gave it a firm shake. “You know, it’s time you and Isabel get married too.” Wilson suggested. “That’s a great idea!” Joyce freed herself from Isabel. “Propose! Propose! Propose!” Joyce started clapping and chanting. “Joyce, what are you doing?” Isabel hissed and turned to look away. “Buddy, what are you still waiting for?” Wilson draped his hand on Jun Wei’s shoulder. “Go quickly!” He gave Jun Wei a push. “I… She… We…” Jun Wei stammered. “PROPOSE! PROPOSE! PROPOSE!” Wilson and Joyce started chanting loudly, attracting attention from passer bys. “Alright, alright! I’ll propose!”

Jun Wei came running back with a bouquet of roses in his hands. “11 roses means that I will only love you for the rest of my lifetime. Will you accept these 11 roses, and accept my love?” He knelt in front of Isabel and held out the roses. “Go on, say yes!” Joyce nudged Isabel. “I… I…If you can figure out my quiz, I’ll marry you!” Isabel blurted out. “Quiz?” Jun Wei lowered the bouquet. “It’s not really a quiz… It’s more like telepathy. I will think of something I want, and you will be given one hour to walk around the airport to purchase one item. If the item you purchase is the same as what I have in mind, it’ll prove that we have telepathy and I’ll agree to marry you.” Isabel crossed her arms. “Your one hour begins now!” She walked towards the bench. “I won’t wait for you after one hour!” Her voice rang out. “Hurry up, what are you waiting for? Only one hour!” Wilson smacked Jun Wei on the head, bringing him back to his senses. Jun Wei jumped up immediately. “Wait for me Isabel! I’ll prove that we’re meant for each other!” He shouted as he ran towards the nearest souvenir shop.

“Why did you set him such a question? There are so many shops here, how can he possibly get the right item?” Joyce sat down beside Isabel.
“I’m sure he’ll get the right one if we’re really fated to be together.” Isabel replied confidently.
“What is that item anyway?” Wilson asked, standing beside Joyce.
“I’m keeping a close eye on the both of you! Don’t you dare hint to Jun Wei!” Isabel glared at the couple.
“We won’t.” Joyce promised.
“It’s actually…”
“Nothing. There wasn’t really a thing that I wanted.”
“Nothing?! But… You told him to get something!”
“I told you it’s all telepathy didn’t I? Let’s wait and see…”

“What is the thing that Isabel want? What exactly?” Jun Wei nearly cracked his head thinking. “Nothing seems to be the item!” He wiped off his perspiration, feeling frustrated. “I’ll try the next shop.” He muttered and walked into the next shop. “Puzzle house? Ha, I don’t have to check out this shop. Isabel hates puzzles.” He peeked through the windows of the neighbouring shop. “Cakes? She hate eating cakes. Gaining weight and stuff…”

“It’s nearly one hour. 20 more minutes.” Wilson informed Isabel and Joyce. “So fast?” Joyce appeared worried. “Aren’t you anxious at all?” Joyce turned to look at the composed Isabel. She shook her head. “If we’re fated to be together, he’ll come back empty handed. I have confidence in him.”

“My head hurts…” Jun Wei groaned as he walked from shop to shop. “I’ll have to rest for a bit…” He went towards the nearest bench. “Take a deep breathe, Jun Wei… In… And out… In… And out…” He commanded himself. “Now think about what Isabel might want.” He continued talking to himself, oblivious to the stares coming from the man sitting beside him. “I got it!” He jumped up and shouted happily, causing the man sitting beside him to jump in fright. The man hurriedly stood up and walked away, still casting glances at Jun Wei. “I got it!” Jun Wei shouted repeatedly. “I got it! I got it! I got it!”

“Isabel… Why not we just call off this thing? It sounds pretty weird, and it’s not exactly fair…” Joyce started feel more and more anxious. “Let’s just wait and see. We’ve waited for so long already, haven’t we? Let’s just see what he comes back with.” Isabel flipped her magazine. “But Isabel…” “Enough said. Unless… You still have feelings for Jun Wei? Are you trying to get back together with him?” Isabel bolt upright. “Do you know what you’re talking about? I’m getting MARRIED for goodness sake!” Joyce emphasized. “Aww… I’m sorry… Maybe it’s because I have this unsettling feeling…”

“Please show me this.” Jun Wei pointed at the display case. “Certainly.” The shop assistant practically drooled when she saw Jun Wei. So muscular… And hot! “Here you go, Mister.” She placed it on the table. “This is perfect!” Jun Wei took one look at it and smiled. “Wrap it up.”

xiaoxi's note
chappie 18 is up, finally!=]
one good news(i hope so it's counted as a gd news?): i've decided to extend Fate from 20 chappies to 25 chappies! thank Ad for asking me to extend the story everyday without fail haha*grins*
25 chappie is a long way, let's hope i will be able to write just enough for 25! fighting~ xD

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