Monday, June 1, 2009 @ 9:00 PM
Chapter 18: Wrung ApartSuggested song/music: Lonely Thoughts - Lan You Shi
No, Yunho did not do anything to xiaoxi, so don’t imagine anything naughty. Placing his arms around xiaoxi’s he guided her to the hand movements. When he felt that it was starting to get acceptable, he kicked her feet lightly, wanting her to follow according to how he shifts his feet. “Left first, kick, then lower you body while leaning forty-five to the right. Yes, that’s it! Then…” slowly, he instructed her on the right way to move her body, which way to twist, and soon enough, xiaoxi had the whole set of movements memorized. Much to her amazement, of course.
Walking along the bustling corridors of MSMT, xiaoxi had her head lowered the entire time. She felt different somehow, and yet she couldn’t really pinpoint out what was so different. And this feeling frightened her. Walking before her was Li Yin and Junsu, deep in their arguments about the song they are going to perform. Perhaps she was too deep in her own thoughts to notice, but Yunho was walking according to her steps. She steps front, he steps front. She slows down, he does too. ‘This is a really weird feeling… why am I doing this?’ Yunho shouted at himself mentally. He does not understand what has come over him recently. In fact, it seems that ever since this jinx appeared in his life, she has swept his life upside down like a tornado.
“Hey, you! Zhang Li Yin!” a voice shouted, pulling the four back into reality. Suddenly, a plastic bottle was thrown in the direction of Li Yin. Yunho reacted swiftly and blocked the bottle with his arm. “Ryan,” Yunho glared at the owner of the bottle. “what do you think you are doing?”
Ryan scoffed and picked up his bottle. “Exacting my little revenge. First she turned me down, and then she spoiled my fun in bullying that jinx - which I pity is your partner for the music project - do you think I’ll let her off this easily? Not to mention, I’ve found out something really interesting about her…”
At the snap of his fingers, a few other guys gathered around him, all sneering at Li Yin. Blood drained itself from Li Yin’s face as she recognised the few familiar faces…
Her past has returned. She should’ve known better than to think she can escape from it thoroughly. Li Yin frowned as the guys surrounded them. Junsu and xiaoxi appeared puzzled as the guys moved around them, all taunting Li Yin. “That’s quite enough, Ryan. Does your Caucasian genes make you any different from us? Treat people with respect, and people will treat you the same way.” Yunho forced through his gritted teeth. Ryan merely chuckled as the group closed in on the four. Without warning, a punch flailed in Yunho’s direction. He intercepted it cleanly and returned the move with a kick. A couple of the guys attempted to reach for Li Yin when Junsu stepped in. “Get pass me if you want to get her.”
“Go away, four eyes! What do you think you can do?” Ryan laughed with his body bent over, exaggerating his movements. Xiaoxi shook her head at him. Junsu wasn’t someone to mess with. He had a black belt in martial arts. His obsession with dancing has also given him the ability of being extremely agile and flexible. As Ryan reached his grubby hands towards Li Yin, Junsu grabbed him by his wrist, tightening his hold every millisecond. Ryan winced and howled in pain as he felt his bone nearing shatters. His company retaliated agitatedly, taking it out on Yunho who is slowly nearing his limits. ‘Please let the fluorescent lamps drop on them. Let the fluorescent lamps drop on them. Let it drop!’
Xiaoxi closed her eyes tightly and willed for the lamps to drop. Her eyes flew opened instantly when there were cries for help, followed by the shattering of the fluorescent light bulbs. The group was crouching on the floor, hand plastered over their heads in a futile attempt to the stop the bleeding. “I hope you bleed to death!” Li Yin shouted angrily as she rushed over to Yunho’s side. Yunho panted heavily, wiping away the blood dripping down from the corners of his lips. Junsu’s shout attracted their immediate attention. Lying on the ground in a heap was xiaoxi, her face ashen.
Yunho kept returning his gaze to the sleeping maiden on the bed, ignoring the rants of the school’s nurse as she applied medication on his bruises. Leaning against the wall, Li Yin had her head buried in her hands, her shoulders obviously shaking. “It’s okay,” Junsu racked his brains for a word of consolation. “She only fainted from shock.”
“It’s my past.” Li Yin said bitterly as her hands dropped to her side. Tears streaked her flawless cheeks. “All because of my hatred for guys… if only I could accept them… I wouldn’t have so many enemies now. And they wouldn’t have flocked here, today’s incidences wouldn’t have happened.”
“It’s not your fault, Li Yin. It is ‘him’ who caused all your sufferings. If not for ‘him’, you would probably be a child who grew up happily.” Yunho pushed away the nurse’s hand and swept Li Yin into an embrace. For a second, Junsu felt his heart twitching when he saw how intimate Yunho and Li Yin was.
“She’s awake!” Li Yin was the first to dash to xiaoxi’s side. Nervously eyeing xiaoxi, Li Yin subconsciously held her breath.
“Li Yin…” xiaoxi’s acknowledgements caused her to exhale in relief. “They really… the fluorescent lightings really dropped?”
“It did. At a good timing, a precise angle too. Any more towards the left and I’ll be just like them.” Yunho pulled his lips into a smile.
“So I really did it. I… I’m jinxed, I really am…” xiaoxi rasped, her face tightening into a frown as beads of perspiration trickled down her forehead. Time seemed to ceased moving as they remained in silence, all shocked from xiaoxi’s words.

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